Thursday, November 8, 2012

Survival of the...well "getting fitter"est?

Wow, okay, I survived today and survived it better than yesterday.
Gonna get numbers out of the way first... my fasting blood sugar was 384 this morning (blech).  I am waiting on Medtronic and my doctor to get things straightened out because I am super low on all of my pump supplies and still do not have them even though I placed my order the first week of October.  They say they are waiting on my doctor (who I am way overdue to see).
Went to bed about midnight last night and got up at 7:30 this morning...not great, but not horrible either.
Nap today? Yep 1:30 until about 4. Hoping as my mindset, food choices, exercise routine & sleeping routine change, this will become a thing of the past.
Today's Consumption (sounds like I am talking about tuberculosis in the late 1800s):
     Breakfast: small apple
     Snack: Orange
     Lunch: 1 cup of fat free cottage cheese, 1 orange bell pepper diced in the cottage cheese, approx 1 cup of spicy sundried tomato pasta salad (oily & carb filled, but better than swiss cake rolls), orange. 15 kernels of popcorn...ok yeah I bought some clearance "variety ornamental indian corn" for 50cents and the grocery store, but one type in the bag looked like this popcorn I was going to grow last summer, so I thought "hm I wonder" and stuck it in the microwave and it popped...all over the microwave.  I ate about 15 itty bitty kernels just to see if it tasted ok while the cob smoked away in my kitchen sink. Good times.
     Snack: 2 oranges (Ok I realize that oranges are not the BEST fruit b/c of the carbs/sugars, but it is what it is right now)
     Supper: Angel hair & Linguine with pasta sauce & shredded cheese.  (Again, I have to eat what we have at the moment, but instead of a regular size dinner plate I used a salad plate, so even though I ate 2 helpings I ended up eating about 1/2 of what I normally would which would be 2 large platefuls) and garlic bread (only thing I am kinda kicking myself for because it really wasn't even that good). Feeling super bloated after that though, so yeah probably icksnay on the econdsay elpingshay from here on out.
Today's Exercise:
10 minutes on the elliptical at the Y.  1055 strides, 0.7 miles (actually a little less but I hate the numbers it was), 105 calories burned, Incline 5, Resistance 5

Strength Training for 20 min., chest press 2 sets of 14 reps with 30 lbs of weight, bench press with dumbells 12 lbs each arm 2 sets of 14 reps, 1 arm row 1 set of 14 reps with 15 lb dumbell, dumbell squats (no these were not squats made specifically for me, it means I had to hold a dumbell in each hand...probably coulda just held a boob in each hand and got the same effect) 15 lbs in each hand 1 set of 12 reps, Abductor machine 36 lbs 1 set of 14 reps, Wide Stance Leg Press on machine 84 lbs 1 set of 14 reps

Abs: (12 each) Crunch with Heel Push, Crunch with Legs In (stability/exercise ball under your feet and you roll it toward you as you crunch), 90 Degree Reverse Crunch, and another set of Crunch with Legs In.

Other: Not sure if this is pathetic or accomplishment, but for now it is an accomplishment that in a couple months I can look back and say "wow I am glad I don't feel pathetic now."  I went to the grocery store (needed a few healthy things and some headphones to workout with) and parked at the very end of the row I was in even though there were spaces up front.  Then did the same thing at the Y, parked in the row farthest from the building (for those of you familiar with our Y, I parked back by the preschool garden).  So a little extra walking here and there ;).  After walking to the store, through the store and back to the truck, I almost went home thinking "yeah, I put on spandex and walked this far, my exercise for the day is done." But I went ahead and went to the Y ;).

So no MAJOR embarrassments with my food today and I did exercise!  This post felt SO much better than my last one to type ;) and there was no all day snacking/grazing going on.

Now on to me just blabbering...say what? You thought that was what I was already doing?! bwahahahaha you have no clue yet, do you?

I felt great after working out, but about an hour later....great googly moogly I felt like jello or a "walker"...either way, I did not feel like doing ANYTHING.  That is when I laid down and fell asleep.  I have "excessive daytime sleepiness" so I basically fall asleep whenever I am not moving around during the day.  Normally it is quite frustrating, but today my muscles loved me for it!
A little "funny" about my workout today (actually a couple)... 1. When I was doing my squats I had to not look at myself in the mirror much because I was tearing up and stifling giggles at the same time.  Every time I would squat, my muffin top poofed out so far it looked like a billow...totally depressing and totally hilarious all at the same time.  2. I worked out so hard that I lost a bra strap!  Guess my girls aren't used to jiggling that much anymore and the one just got so excited she busted right out of the cup, breaking the strap.  Thankfully it happened right before I was finished working out so it wasn't a huge deal.  I swear that there are hazards to being a hefty hunnie and working out, bruised chins (yes plural) & black eyes among them!  Hopefully tomorrow those girls will be better behaved and I won't lose another bra in such a senseless manner...Christmas is still a month and a half away, these over the shoulder boulder holders have to last me!

Lane (Yarrow) is also trying to make healthier food choices so we have been able to commiserate tonight ;). Of course as soon as the 2 younger ones got home, they wanted Ramen noodles, which they got.  Lane and I both were drooling but resisted the urge and held off until supper.

Does it make me a bad person that not eating all day today made me a hag bag?  I was irritable for a couple hours tonight.  I am not depriving myself, I am just moderating myself, but dangit, I wanted to just pig out about 4 or 5 this evening...I need to find something that I can eat and eat and eat without getting off track. Maybe I will go get some celery tomorrow.  I really do love celery (almost all veggies actually).

Well that was pretty much day in a nutshell.  Thinking tomorrow's exercise will be Yoga and maybe hit the pool (nothing hard) and then a walk with Amy (my rockin' gal pal who has already made huge strides in her journey and has graciously agreed to help keep me on track) after a senior shoot I have tomorrow.  I want to do some activity every day, even if it isn't hardcore exercise.  All in all, I feel pretty good about this journey today!  Now it is time to call it a night and get to sleep.  3:30 a.m. comes way early!  Be praying for me at 11 in the morning, I am always afraid I am going to fart in yoga and that is one of those classes you wouldn't be able to hide it (I have heard people do it and it is all I can do to keep from busting out laughing...there is such thing as TOO zen).  My friend Cara posted a thing on her facebook page that was one of those ecard things that said "I don't fart, I just whisper in my panties"....maybe I will use that line if it ever happens.  Ok yeah, with that thought, I am off to bed.

(You were warned that sometimes it is a little TOO real...just sayin' )

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